Online Dermaplaning Training

Online Dermaplaning Training

Dermaplaning is an excellent non-chemical, safe & gentle skin rejuvenation technique that  improve skin health without any invasive measures or downtime. 

Dermaplaning is effective as:

  • A Once off rejuvenation treatment
  • As part of a Skin Rejuvenation treatment regime
  • A Pre-Treatment to other active modalities

Dermaplaning can be performed in combination with other modalities, like LED or Micro-Needling, to enhance the combined efficacy.

Benefits Include:

  • Skin softer to the touch and smoother in appearance
  • Brighter complexion with a more youthful glow
  • Active ingredients in skin care product penetrate more deeply improving skin health
  • Immediate improvement in skin tone
  • Helps reduce fine lines
  • Makeup glides on perfectly
  • Great for all skin types 
  • Safe on all Fitzpatrick types
  • Safe for telangiectasia (broken capillaries)
  • Helps reduce blackheads and enlarged pores
  • Safe for clients using Retinols
  • Safe during pregnancy & breastfeeding
  • Low risk of post-treatment breakouts
  • No downtime
  • Great margin & Mark-up
  • Low Investment, High return

You will be completing 2 Certifications - Dry and Glide

Part 1 - Online Pre-Learning

You will complete an introduction to dermaplaning online the week before training

Once you have registered for your class, you can download your manual and familiarize yourself with the content

You will complete 19 Theory Units throughout this part of training

This enables our instructors to spend the majority of time on practical.

4 CE hours

Part 2 - Online Training Day 

We cover all the practical work on models, guided by your trainer

You will complete 11 Theory Units and perform 2 full treatments

3 CE hours

Part 3 - Assessment & Certification

Once training is completed, each therapist will be Assessed & Certified based on work done in training as well as a written theory test.

We have various ways of staying in touch with you post training:

  • Join our closed Facebook group where we post updates 

  • Join us for regular Q&A session and extended learning opportunities

  • Take part in a case study involving 3 clients treated in clinic

  • Join us for further up skill training in future at 15% discount


  • Qualified beauty therapist 

  • Qualified Aesthetic Nurse or MD

Course Duration:

Total training time: 7 CE hours

Return on Investment:

This class will pay for itself in increased revenue within the first month as the kit provides you with more than enough stock and material to generate up to $4,000. 

This ensures a large return on a small investment. 

Join us for a Hands-On Dermaplaning Class and start offering a new service to your clients right away!

Contact one of our friendly team members on:


Sign up for our certification course now!

Just click the button below


Skin is Our Thing